YooRecipe End Of Life


YooRecipe comes to an end as I do not have time to maintain it anymore. Subscriptions are now closed starting from Sep 27. SUPPORT REMAINS ACTIVE FOR ACTIVE SUBSCRIBERS.

All the best!


How to migrate to YooRecipe 3.5.0 or above

The migration procedure described in this article MUST BE followed for all users who run a YooRecipe version under 3.5.0 and wish to upgrade to 3.5.0 or above.

Prerequisites, for Joomla 2.5 users only

Download plg_system_pwebj3ui plugin from YooRecipe downloads section and install it. This plugin embeds Bootstrap and is required for YooRecipe to work under Joomla 2.5.x installations. Make sure plugin is activated.

This plugin includes Joomla! 3 User Interface libraries with jQuery 1.10.2, jQuery UI 1.9.2, jQuery Migrate 1.2.1, Bootstrap 2.3.1, IcoMoon, LESS and others. Also it can remove other instances of jQuery and include only one.

YooRecipe Bootstrap Plugin for Joomla 2.5

Prerequisites, for all users

Perform a full backup and set your website to maintenance mode (offline). You will have to recreate menu items as YooRecipe code has been drastically reduced and reorganized.

Backup, backup, backup

Let's start

Please respect the following order. Trust us, it is important.

1. Install all YooRecipe 3.5+ modules and plugins

2. Install YooRecipe 3.5+ component

3. Recreate your menu items

YooRecipe menu items that HAVE to be replaced are the following:
all recipes, featured, most viewed, most popular, archive, by user, user cookbook, most recents, recipes of season, view by tag.

Go to Menus > your menu > select your YooRecipe menu item. Click the Select button in front of Menu Item Type field and select the menu item of same type. Save.

Perform this step for each concerned YooRecipe menu item.

Why are you forcing me to do such a thing? Because we drastically factorized code. As a result, menu item links structure has evolved.

4. Update and save your YooRecipe settings

Go to Components > YooRecipe > Options and click save.

Note: some options have been removed like picture upload system. Saving your YooRecipe options updates your settings stored in database. While this step is fully optional, we recommend to follow it.

5. Quality checklist

  • check ingredients are displayed in your recipes
  • check ajax calls are ok (add/remove favourites, post comments, etc)
  • check your menu items display correctly
  • check recipe frontend submission works

6. Enjoy!

In a nutshell, here is what's in 3.5.0 release: new upload system, new ingredient management system, numerous bugs fixed, new tag management system, improved loading times, new user interface, new recipe creation workflow...

  • Sunday, 05 January 2014

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