YooRecipe End Of Life


YooRecipe comes to an end as I do not have time to maintain it anymore. Subscriptions are now closed starting from Sep 27. SUPPORT REMAINS ACTIVE FOR ACTIVE SUBSCRIBERS.

All the best!


EasySocial Profile App

Learn how to display Recipes in EasySocial User Profile.

YooRecipe Application Profile Plugin Installation

Go to Components > EasySocial > Applications and click Install.

Select the app_yoorecipe.zip file and install it.

Application can be defined by default (available for all users) or installable on user request.

Admire the result

Useful information

YooRecipe App for EasySocial relies on YooRecipe Component Settings. In other words, if you change recipe layouts in Component, they will also be changed in EasySocial Profile App.

Known limitations

EasySocial labels are stored and loaded from EasySocial component. Only. In other words, it means that third party developers (like YooRecipe) cannot use labels in their Application names. The best solution is to add language overrides for the following labels: APP_YOORECIPE_USER_TITLE and COM_EASYSOCIAL_STREAM_APP_FILTER_YOORECIPE






  • Thursday, 04 June 2015

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