Dear YooRecipe Users,

Here we are, since official release of YooRecipe 5.0.0, many bugs have been fixed. Migration process is now pretty straightforward and easy.

It has been a lot of work but the result should seduce you

YooRecipe 5.0.0 release notes

Over the past two weeksn, we release about 20 minor bug fix versions. 

Rev 927: Evolution: Added 4 module positions (yoorecipe-top-landingpage, yoorecipe-top-editrecipe, yoorecipe-top-favorites, yoorecipe-top-myrecipes)

Rev 928: Evolution: Only delete component files if version < 5

Rev 929: Bug fixed: Serving types backend edit was not working

Rev 929: Evolution: Added Serving Types submenu in backend

Rev 930: Bug fixed: Landing page pagination problem fixed

REv 931: Bug fixed: Installation script fixed

Rev 932: Bug fixed: Recipes draft status updated to 0 after installation script

Rev 933: Evolution: Added tags migration and serving types migration in maintenance section (backend)

Rev 936: Evolution: Added option to hide cuisine field

Rev 937: Evolution: Added yoorecipe-top-wall and yoorecipe-top-archives module positions

Rev 938: Evolution: Updated max possible upload size param to 10MB

Rev 939: Bug fixed: Fixed default value of recipe layout to avoid getting empty Categories bug

Rev 940: Bug fixed: Modals were not showing on some templates

Rev 941: Bug fixed: Fixed Joomla warning when saving recipe from frontend with registered user

Rev 942: Bug fixed: Auto publish and auto validate features fixed for frontend

Rev 943: Evolution: Added option in backend to not display language in frontend form

Rev 944: Bug fixed: Lightbox images were not loaded (minor bug)

Rev 945: Evolution: Added possibility to leave cuisine field empty

Rev 946: Bug fixed: Fixed width of recipe title in frontend form

Rev 947: Bug fixed: Archive page: fixed HTML format error

Rev 948: Bug fixed: Recipe page: user real name was displayed even if show joomla name was set in options 

Rev 949: Bug fixed: Meal Planner: fixed HTML error causing layout to mess up