Dear YooRecipe Users,

The whole team and I are proud to announce that YooRecipe 3.8.0 is cooked and ready to use. You can say goodbye to the old recipe page layout some of you have supported for the past 2 years. We decided this page lived enough and needed a brand new design.

We did not expect to release a major version, but Martin, our new lead developer achieved bright things. Here are the release notes:

Evolutions & Improvements

Bugs fixed

Please also note that all modules and plugins have been updated. You have to install them again so that they keep up with latest improvements.

Important notes: the following SHOULD (must) be read for a successful, painless update.

Prerequisites / Disclaimer

1. More than never, we recommend you to perform a full database backup. YooRecipe performs some irreversible data update while updating to 3.8.0. You have been warned!
2. Starting from this release, YooRecipe generates thumbnails on the fly in order to improve loading times while letting your users upload their fat, loud pictures. BUT, generating thumbnails is resource consuming. We recommend to increase the max_execution_time php setting available in php.ini. What if you cannot update this setting? Read the following.
Thumbnails are generated only once. Please keep in mind that the more you display recipes pictures on your main page, the more chances you have a php error stating that the maximum execution time limit has been reached. Do not panic. Just keep on trying to load the page. All thumbnails will be generated at the end.

How to update

1. Component, all modules and all plugins need to be updated. That is almost it.
2. Update all YooRecipe menu items of type YooRecipe > recipes. It is mandatory. What we did in 3.5.0 introduced a possible 500 internal server error when saving the menu item. Sorry for that, but you will have to manually update your recipes menu items once again.

New recipe layout

So, what changed? Everything! New social sharing features, a collapsible toolbar, enhanced display of ratings, new layout for reviews!
Easy comparison between two recipes rated 3.9 or 4.5, thanks to the new rating display &
Easy sharing on social networks thanks to box counts
Easy understanding of available actions thanks to the collapsible toolbar
Easy reading of reviews thanks to new layout