Hurrah. Some of you have been waiting more than 2 years for this feature to be available.

The whole team is proud to announce that starting from today, YooRecipe comes with an in-built Meal Planner. Based on HTML5 drag and drop and full AJAX, your users will now be able to select recipes and plan their meals for the week.

Shopping list feature can be used to generate your grocery list once your meals are planned.

Last but not least, we added a recipe suggestion feature based on technical rules. In other words, similar recipes are now displayed at the bottom of your recipes to improve your Users experiences.

Go on reading to discover screenshots.


YooRecipe Meal Planner Screenshot

YooRecipe Meal Planner



YooRecipe Similar Recipes Screenshot

What makes a recipe similar to another one? Our algorithm looks for similarities between recipes' names while ignoring titles chunks less than 3 characters to avoid selecting "false positive".

Hope you will appreciate these new features!